

What are the surgical techniques?

FUT/Strip: This technique is extensive and entails linear incisions with a scalpel in both nerve and blood vessel areas. It is important for these procedures that the doctor has surgical experience because there is a risk of temporary or permanent loss of sensation. The area must be sutured and then the stitches are removed after about

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Is there risk of damaging hair follicles?

FUT/Strip: The scalpel might damage 10 % or more of the grafts during removal from the donor area or when grafts are divided. Using a microscope can minimize the risk of damage. FUE IM: The risk of damaging grafts is minimal with FUE IM. The doctor determines and pick which individual grafts to be transplanted and can

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What is the difference between FUE IM and FUT/Strip?

The transplant procedure FUT/Strip: The STRIP method has been used for many years. It involves removing a strip of skin from the back of the head (the donor area) using a scalpel. After removal, the gap at the back of the head is stitched back together. The strip of skin from the donor area is divided

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What is the difference between FUE and FUE IM?

The methods are similar, but FUE IM is an improvement over the original FUE technique. FUE IM involves tools that are 0.5 -0.75 mm in diameter, whereas traditional FUE tools measure 1 mm. Aside from denser placement, FUE IM shortens the healing time and further reduces the risk of visible scarring. Additionally, FUE IM more

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What is the FUE Ilter method (FUE IM)?

MD Ilter has refined the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) technique and developed FUE IM. Instead of using instruments that are 1 mm in diameter, we use tools that are 0.5 – 0.75 mm. This leads to faster healing times and a dramatically reduced risk of visible scarring. Thanks to the refined technique of FUE IM,

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What is a hair transplant?

Hair transplantation is an advanced redistribution system for relocating hair follicles from a donor area, often at the back of the head, and artistically transplanting them to thinning or bald areas. With today’s microsurgical technology, a hair transplant results in a very natural appearance that is only limited by supply and demand. The supply depends

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Varför ska jag välja Ilter Clinic?

Vi på Ilter Clinic har som målsättning att skapa trygghet hos varje patient genom en långsiktig planering. Med tanke på att givarområdet (bakhuvudet) är ett begränsat område är det viktigt att ta vara på dem resurser vi har tillgång till. Vi får telefonsamtal och mail dagligen från patienter som hamnat på en klinik som utfört

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Kan jag kommunicera med läkaren under operationen?

Ja, när du vill under hela behandlingen.

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Kan jag få se läkarens läkarlegitimation?

Ja självklart.

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Får jag träffa läkaren som ska operera mig?

Ja, det är viktigt att vår specialistläkare träffar dig för bedömning och planering av din behandling. Du får alltid träffa verksamhetschef samt läkaren vid konsultationstillfället.

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